You can expect...
... A reserved area directly in front of the church on Jensen street, within a few feet of the front doors, designated for easy passenger drop off. There is a parking lot on the east side of the church buildings, additional street parking, and permission for parking in the Callahans Funeral Home parking lot across East Avenue.
...A "Courtyard Cafe" experience that serves from 9:30 to 9:55 am every Sunday. You will have a choice of complimentary beverages, coffees, bagels and pastries. It is located in the beautful floral courtyard, serenaded by music and the serene sounds of the fountain, complimented by umbrella tables for relaxation and fellowship, positioned close to the serving gazebo. Cold weather brings out the upright heaters to add warmth and still provide a safe environment for children.
... A free gift for every first time child or youth.
...Nursery care that is efficient, safe, and happy for ages 0-5 years of age, opening 15 minutes prior to our 10 am service. Our nursery providers are preschool State licensed teachers with CPR training.
...A stocked "Changing and Comfort" station for Mother's with infants, located in the foyer area of the ladies restroom.
...A facility that houses two main buildings. The sanctuary building which is located on the corner of East Avenue and Jensen. The second building, located on the corner of Jensen and Harvard, is the "Family Center" which includes offices, nursery, youth center, a variety of classrooms, a preschool building (currently operated by Building Kidz), a kitchen, and a gymnasuim.
...A warm welcome from greeters that care at every sanctuary entrance. You will be offered a "connection" card that you can complete to receive future announcements from our church and school.
...A worship experience that includes exuberant and uplifting praise. A time where lives are changed and personal relationships with Christ are enhanced! Our worship experience is often enhanced through DVD video projection on the big screen, multi media clips, and additional back up musical tracks. It's a time of expression and prayer...a true "Worship Experience!"
..An uplifting service that starts promptly @ 10am and finishes at about 11:30 am.
...Immediately following the morning worship dismissal, the CW "Bread of Life" ministry team will have a variety of grocery choices in the courtyard for you to take home and enjoy. Food is delivered every Sunday morning to the church by our own caring staff, and passed on to you. Some recipients are in need... others just enjoy the food service. It is free for all to enjoy! We also have been blessed to provide food from "One Nations Dream Makers" that makes food ministry contributions for families to enjoy as well.
...A youth experience of excellent quality. Ages 6 and over join the adults in the sanctuary starting at 10 am. Immediately following worship, the children/youth are dismissed to the youth center for an age appropriate experience in learning, singing, creativity, and fun. They meet in a center that is designed for their age, a "hang out" with comfortable furniture, classroom style seating, phoos ball, ping pong, air hockey, video games, and more.
...A relevent and uplifting Word is spoken by our Pastor, or other ministry staff, right after the children are dismissed to their youth session. As the children are dismissed, the adults are given a few moments to meet and greet, getting to know one another before the message.
...SSS- "Surprise Sunday Special" treats in the courtyard that provides a few minutes for our family and guests to gather after service while enjoying a quick snack and fellowship before departure. Some "Special Sunday" treats we enjoy are root beer floats, cotton candy, cracker jacks, candy rains, ice cream sandwiches, ice cream cones, hot white chocolate, and much more!!!! Snacks alternate weeks with the grocery distribution. You just never know when and what will be served!
...No specific dress code. You will see people dressed in suits and ties, others in very casual attire, and all in between. We encourage you to come as you are! We welcome you!
...An ethnically diverse family. We are extremely proud that many cultures and ethnicities are represented in our church.
...Announcements for a variety of exciting events and activities for all ages throughout the year!
Christian World Church that is "big enough" to reach you but "small enough" to have personal relationship with you! It is a place to be connected and offers a variety of ministries that welcomes your talents and "giftings" and provides a place for you to belong!